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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Beyond Two Souls

Quantic Dream maintains its own ways of both presentation and gameplay mechanics which gives them and maintains their identity. I like that It defines what the game company does. This game came out late 2013 for PS3 and later in November 2014 for the PS4. You can now also buy this game together with Heavy Rain as a collection which is what I did. Lets take a look at a few things from it running it on PS5.

As mentioned the presentation is really good it gives you a sense of movie aesthetics. What you see is what you get because the graphics are no different from the cutscenes. Its a good testament as to what consoles can do when properly optimized. If you played Quantic Dreams games before you will notice a familiar Detroit Become Human setup. So in the graphics department there really isn't much to dwell on other than the fact that the game looks awesome. Here visual purists have no disappointment whatsoever. Remember we are talking about an old game considering from when it was released looking much like a current gen game which is a sign that there is not much difference anymore in terms of generational leaps. And we must mention that it is an easy game to handle for the PS5 because essentially its running in back-compat mode just on a very powerful machine.

Before we talk about the gameplay I want to probe on one aspect but at the same time with a reservation so as to not spoil it for you and that is the story. I have noticed Quantic Dreams games come with a immersive story theme and with this game its the backbone of the entire game. You are essentially playing an interactive movie about your character. While its not an open world it leaves room for a considerable amount of decisions which lead to a couple of different endings, so much attention is needed because whatever you decide per given scene will affect the future. Its a game you want to play concentrating with zero distractions.


To an area where most people would like to hear about since you buy a game to basically "play it". This is not your normal/usual button mash, hack and slash, fast pace shooter driven game but rather a sort of playable cinematic game. You are guaranteed your controller will last for years with this style of play. I think this is great because Its not every time I want to play a fighting game, racing game, fast paced shooter etc so if you are in a movie mood and want something story driven that you can at the same time interact with then this will fill-up the void. Diversity is important in gaming because that is what makes the hobby interesting. So yes the gameplay is really good and mainly governed by your decision making skills e.g shall I open the door, move the right stick to quickly avoid an obstacle in an action scene and so on.

So probably the question you would be having in mind is, is it a dull drama game with no action or minimal interaction? Definitely not, it is action oriented great set pieces for you. What I like about it is that its not too much of either but more of a perfect balance of both cinematics and playable scenes so you don't get bored watching one long scene making it a very much interactable game. The only slight little thing I would wish quantic dream works on is the camera because it seems as though you can change the camera but its more fixed at predetermined angles. Trust me this is not a train smash at all its merely me nitpicking here.

Overall the game runs smooth, very good immersive story and clearly worthy of your PlayStation collection. Its been nice sharing with you as always and would be good to hear from you cheers.

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