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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut (good but not great?)

After its initial release on the PS4 system in July 2020 the year in which the PS5 came out this game in particular got another current gen upgrade for the PlayStation 5 in August 2021 essentially over a year later of its release. Curious to note that I am writing this in the last day of 2021 and I must say time flies. The upgrade didn't come free for PS4 owners as they had to commit to a certain fee in their respective currencies to obtain the PS5 version of the game, a thing I found out to be odd but more on that later. Lets do the ggs for this game and our final review for this year hoping for your continued support into the oncoming year. Happy new year in advance lets get to this.


One of the most obvious and yet impressive feature of the game is the visual presentation. Clearly its one of the most impressive looking games to date. It boasts lush green environments, good character modelling and an overall compelling presentation that would throw any aspiring photographer let alone a photographer into some photo hysteria so to type. You get a dynamic day and night cycle too which is great. Here and there you get some occasional clipping visually but I would say its normal and less distracting. Still on visuals yes you do get higher frames and resolution coupled with Duelsense benefits however I still don't find these as a solid reason to charge owners upgrading to the PS5 version. The difference with this and the PS4 version is not groundbreaking but more of a slight touch of polish. So overall not a lot to say but its one of the best looking games you can acquire just don't expect much of a visual leap coming from the PS4 version.


Its very challenging and provides a sense of hustle worth as each encounter with enemies though repetitive in certain instances you always feel like the next fight is never the same as the previous due to the nature of the AI. I like how aggressive the AI is at all times. Added to the beauty of this gameplay is the variety of things you have to accomplish to make your character better at each fight.

You do get some form of grind dopamine when it comes to what you have to unlock. This variety of perks encourages you to keep embracing every fighting moment that you come across. The way this game plays for me is the backbone of it. Its a lot of fun allowing you to approach a fight either in stealth or take them head on.

I have zero complaints in this regard, its just fantastic all the way through, repetition could be the only slight annoying thing but its always in every game or should I say most games.


It does deliver a strong theme and a very purposeful endeavor but at the same time kind of gives you a sense of the obvious inevitable. The stories and sub-stories gel together and you don't feel overlay sidetracked at all. The game is long and not overwhelming. Most RPG and open world games have one problem, too much to do and in doing so enough to sidetrack you from the main story at the same time. This game yes like most open world games you may be familiar with comes with the same structure of main and sub stories but they work in harmony and stay within the theme of the game. I don't mean to be too critical but as an Assassins Creed fan I found out that recent Assassins Creed games have a lot of sub stories that are very much irrelevant. Missions that are just an added checklist and prolong the game for no reason. You don't get that here.

Overall I really enjoyed this game and spent a tone of hours playing for completion and I was happy it was worth the money. I wonder if Sucker Punch will pursue this series or if this be the last. So I would say its a good game but not great due to the nature of the upgrade which I found to be rather not a big deal at all. But I will say this was another great piece of work from Sucker Punch more of a surprise considering their focus on beautiful looking Infamous games over the years this comes in as a capstone to their great work.

Happy new year!

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