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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Life is Strange (One in a million stories)

So this game was initially released in episodes in 2015 and its a graphic orientated game developed by Dontnod Entertainment. Later on it is now available as a complete game with all the episodes. Strange that I always avoided acquiring it thinking I would really not be interested but after consideration and getting it I was really surprised. So I never experienced this game during its debut but only recently and I cant wait to just give you a brief overview of what I experienced.

So firstly when you look at this game it falls among the story driven games that is the likes of Tell me Why, Detroit Become Human, Beyond two Souls etc. but visually targeting a sort of artistic approach expressing it in animation. So its not that the visuals are poor but I believe its the developers choice to sort of project a novel as a live animation if I may put it that way. The backbone of this game is its storyline narrative, its compelling, filled with a variety of choices and key decisions that shape up the outcome of the story in turn affecting the NPCs that interact with your main character.

I also liked that even when you suspect that you may have made a bad decision you get the chance to reverse it with Max's power. This allows you to not only enjoy the story but control the pace of events in a way. Its very intriguing and subjects you in the game world were apart from having to be attentive you feel the burden of the game world events on your shoulders. That responsibility is where the excitement of the game comes from. Without having to spoil anything for you, you will really love the story and its worth every minute.


Without much to say here and as mentioned the visuals are a novel in your hands that's alive, more like bringing a story book to life. So its not about lifelike characters but art expressing itself through a story. That's my opinion on the visuals governed by my experience of course so other people might perceive it differently. So basically it fits the purpose intended for the game.


Its mainly dialogue driven with button prompts. You don't have to take time to get used to anything its simply straightforward. Camera perspective is third person and you are fully in control of it obviously, I must also mention its not an open world by any means incase you may be looking for something to explore and so forth. So normally games of this caliber don't offer you that large world experience if you are in search of that. To put it in a simple perspective gameplay is simply following the story.

Its clearly a game among the greats, really enjoyable even for a visual purist like me. Normally people like me who favor visuals we tend to miss out on other fantastic games that express themselves in their own unique way and that being not just visual fidelity but other aspects of gaming. I am also happy that there is a sequel to this game: Life Is Strange True Colors, again it will take a similar approach as a graphic adventure game but will obviously be better. We should note that the story might be very much different from this one with another protagonist but perhaps here and there some NPCs from this game might feature. So something to look forward to indeed.

Cheers :)

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