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  • Writer's pictureBevan

The Situation: External SSDs Redundant?Video game trailers misleading?

External SSDs redundant?

As the current gen is slowly picking up and last gen video game titles are now being optimized for new machines I realized how tricky it is becoming to still play your old games from your external HDD or SSD to your new console. Some games work some games don't. So how do you know? Checkout the Tips below:

  • For Xbox Series Consoles, setup your external HDD or SSD to the default installation of new content. Select an X|S title of your choice and try to download it and you shall see either it downloading or a warning message pops up indicating the game wont be playable from your named external storage. You don't have to download ALL X|S titles into your precious internal SSD but some of them you have to.

  • PS5 is pretty straight forward as native PS5 apps already have the PS5 logo you will immediately know it will only work on the internal NVMEs.

Bear in mind Series consoles only work with the recommended Xbox external storage to play certain X|S titles. As time goes on your external HDD and SSD will only be suitable for storage purposes and not for playing directly from it.

Video game trailers

Most video game trailers I have seen are very much misleading. Please see below a select few titles that seemed very much unrealistic to the reality:

I can go on and on but I am pretty sure you have seen games that don't look like how they had been advertised. I am totally against this approach and I think it should become an industry standard to actually ban trailers and just show gameplay.

Let me know what's on your mind from me its cheers for now.

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