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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on PS5 (Best of the Uncharted series or not?)

It came out in 2017 for the PlayStation 4. Its the first title to not have the usual protagonist Nathan Drake. I think it may be safe to say its the best Uncharted of all of them and here is a brief on why I think it is based on my personal experience .

By and large Uncharted game visuals have always been great in every and for every console generation but from the get go Lost Legacy gives you the impression of a very well polished final product. It also shows itself from the onset that it is the final mature piece of the series. Character models are well defined just like Uncharted 4 with just an extra touch to max out the engine or preferably console of the time. It has that Among Thieves vibe of easily throwing you into the thick of things rather than a slow gradual start.

I wish to dwell a little longer on two aspects that is its gameplay and visuals which are the strong points of this game. Uncharted games always steadily improved their gameplay over the years but a big noticeable improvement comes from Uncharted 3. Everything about it is a marked improvement from the first two. You will see that Uncharted 4 took from 3 and obviously it being a PS4 game was a combination of even greater visuals and gameplay. However with that said Lost legacy is the best of them all.

Its feels and looks complete, from hand to hand combat, stealth moves and gunfights. For example in the previous 3 games stealth wasn't really that fluid or flawless only until the 4th Uncharted which was near perfect. For example in Uncharted 4 you could hide in the grass which was most probably something the PS3 wouldn't be able to render. The difference between A Thief's End and Lost Legacy lays primarily in the game code design for resolution and frame limitations. Uncharted 4 at Its highest is 1440p on PS4pro and 1080p on base PS4 and frame targeting is between 30 to 60fps according to reports:

You can read the above link to save you time and do more research if need be. Personally I think Lost Legacy was designed more with the PS4pro in mind than base PS4 because Uncharted 4 came out the same year (2016) as the PS4 pro but Lost Legacy came out a year later and is mainly 1440p 60 so it kind of suggests that they had more time to explore the then new hardware. 60 fps best works on PS5 since older consoles hardly reached that target whereas with the new gen its the basic standard. I must mention that my entire experience of this was on a PS5.

Still on gameplay the hand to hand combat in Uncharted games only started to improve in the third iteration but still had a long way to go because all 4 games felt pretty much the same in terms of how Nate swings a punch, ducks and grabs etc, whereas in this game Chloe is much fluid, responsive more natural and that semi cutscene experience of button prompts (which was also done away with in A thief's end) is removed giving you more freedom to enjoy the fight and also easily tag team with your partner Nadine.

Another aspect is the shooting. Its almost like Uncharted 4 but very much more impactful. Its heavy and tense and the environment feels more alive and destructive to the bullet exchanges that will be going on. Much like Uncharted 4 but I felt like it was just better perhaps since the game world is designed in a beautiful looking forest. Explosions are smokey and well defined. Its feels a mile away from the old mechanics (the first 4 Uncharted games) that were always getting slight modifications which finally gives you the feel of a different approach to Uncharted gaming on a grand scale.

The Last aspect I want to kind of probe on is in the realm of visuals. The character model expressions are well done here. Its an area I feel most games kind of hit and miss and only a few take the time to nail it. You can see Chloe is involved with what's happening around her. Its something that carries over well into Naughty Dogs Last of us part 2. Just check out the below short clip and see her facial reactions.

So two things that I think make it the best from the rest are its gameplay and visuals. The story may not be the most impactful but with the other factors considered Its enough to satisfy a gamer. Definitely a worthy buy Just one complaint: It was shorter than the rest of the other games. I wanted more of it. Nonetheless Its a great game to play and the most beautiful of them all. I was also glad to see that Chloe got fixed from the exaggerated facial features in Uncharted 3 and this time she's human and looks great.

Your thoughts and Cheers.

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