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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Gears of War 3

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

And here was the climax of my favorite Xbox exclusive. The pace that they started with continued and was even increased. I clearly love this game and no doubt this sequel. They took everything that worked from 1 and 2 and added more.

The co-op play, teamwork and interesting fun characters such as the "Cole train" brought this series to a brilliant climax. Firstly I barely noticed glitches in this game as most things were just fluid. The AI is even better and makes advances on its own. You no longer have to tell it what to do as in Gears of War 2.

You definitely feel you are in a team even when playing single player. The story is not sidetracked at all but is further developed to hit a climax. It was a mix of jam packed action and crazy funny moments:

The visuals at the time were definitely an improvement and controls remained familiar with a few additions.

The combat is very forgiving as opposed to Gears of War 1 were I found myself taking a few shorts before dying. Overall this is a brilliant game and a must play bringing the Story to a climax and somewhat final chapter and junction into Next gen.

For more content please follow my gamertag: Bevan naveb1

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