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  • Writer's pictureBevan

Ghost Recon Breakpoint (On Series X),Reminiscing

It was released late 2019 for the three major platforms (PC and consoles) and in todays context its a last gen game though patched for the current consoles for better performance. I want to briefly browse through this title based on my experience. GGS lets:


Compared to its predecessor I would say its not a drastic step forward but feels like one due to a higher framerate you get here than in Wildlands. After careful consideration I think both this and Wildlands look much alike the difference being as mentioned in the performance patch where you get 60fps here and while in Wildlands you are still stuck at 30fps. Yes you do get better reflections for example when you enter buildings they look more realistic and generally the environment shadows and lighting are a step up but again not much to completely obscure the good old Wildlands. I mainly enjoyed having the benefits of 60fps here, playing it at 4k 30 is not ideal by any means it just feels slow and not great.

Overall the graphics are good just one complaint whereby I cant change Nomads clothes if I am to use Nomad, you can only do so with your created character. You might be curious to know that Series X does give a native 4k at 30fps and 1440p at 60fps, the PS5 doesn't but rather 1440p or so at 60fps and 1080p at30fps, (check Digital Foundry for more on that), but it may not be stuff that will distract you and I do not think its a hardware issue just a probable dev oversight maybe, but with that considered maybe play on Series X if you have it or high end PC. With this mentioned I must type that I still find it weird how Sony PlayStation does its patches as you may never know whether the game takes advantage of some of the current gen hardware features or not. For example with Series Consoles you get the XS symbol plus the gen9aware anecdote (within the file description) so to type which denotes the last gen game runs on current gen hardware with a few advantages being derived from the hardware. PlayStation just says PS4 as far as I know and you may never know until you acquire the game or research about it.


Absolutely the great part about this game. What I Enjoy most is the variety of options I have at my disposal when dealing with AI enemies, you don't feel limited you can either be aggro or stealthy also the variety of camera angles when shooting and moving you character are a welcome addition. The AI is also competitive enough and not clumsy but rather challenging. I would say for best experience rather play this game using current gen consoles or a good beefed-up PC so as to get the benefits in both res and performance. Not much to say here but its the addictive part about the game.


I found this weak compared to the clandestine detailed CIA missions of Wildlands. Its not bad but more of a downgrade fundamentally. Your have to piece the story together as you explore the game-world as opposed to straightforward instructions from HQ before dispatch from Wildlands. There is also much to figure out as the story tries to remain a mystery for the most part which leads you to connect the dots for yourself to an extent. Its good to not be obvious but it needed a finesse upon storyline execution. Nonetheless I believe you may still enjoy it together with the variety of add-on's (Terminator missions etc) that come with the game provided you have the ultimate addition or at least the deluxe addition to exploit the opportunity.


A good addictive game from a gameplay perspective with more of a bland story to a certain degree, runs smoothly and much better on the Series X than any console hardware with both high frames and good resolution, they need to update the PS5 version a bit more from a resolution perspective. For more of this gameplay, look and feel, checkout our twitch.



Addictive gameplay

good graphics and overall performance


A kind of lackluster story

PS5 patch needed for parity

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