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NBA 2k21

Writer's picture: BevanBevan

Definitely its my first time taking you through my thoughts regarding a sports game though we did Forza I haven't given focus to a variety of sport games. Personally I feel the best sports game is definitely this one, and not just because I enjoy the sport but 2K has proven itself time and again with amazing graphics. Let me explain something based on two popular games FIFA and Pro Evolution soccer. While it seems as though I am going off topic Its imperative to note that FIFA always had the license's but never had the visuals and gameplay, Pro Evolution on one hand had the gameplay and visuals but no licenses whereas NBA 2k combined those necessary aspects into one great game. Of course what I said is based on very old games like Pro Evolution 5 vs FIFA 2005.

Just google and see the mess FIFA was. Check Pro Evolution 3 vs FIFA 2003. Yes I have live through many moons to know. I hope to discuss on FIFA and Pro Evolution in the future with the current state of affairs in mind but I can tell you now FIFA has got the graphics massively right but surely much is lacking on the gameplay side of things whereas Pro Evolution though the gameplay is great but still disappointing from a licenses perspective.

This edition of NBA is the best for me overall. Here's the thing, the gameplay has been so much enhanced because of the new gen consoles. Its more fluid to dribble, pass the ball and basic movement is so much realistic and competitive. You can now do much and be more creative.

I have little to say regarding this game as its such a masterpiece, a true perfect replica of the sport in a world of animation with precise detail. I have played a lot of NBAs especially when 2k14 came out which was superb visually. I think they should continue to polish the gameplay more and more but as it stands I have nothing to say excerpt for one irritating thing called microtransactions. I really dislike them and I don't see them going away though I wish. There is one thing I wish to raise regarding the sports genre. I think its very much unfair to have annual releases that are pretty much identical in every way excerpt that players would have changed teams. I don't know how best they could change from this but having an annual update would be better because I can imagine paying R1500 to R1800(60 to 70USD) every year for a new release to me its just not right.

Overall NBA 2K21 is a game worth playing purely fantastic and though released on multiple platforms its best played on a premium hardware to leverage the best results. Let me know what you think, cheers.

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