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  • Writer's pictureBevan


So guys its been a while I know and I missed this. So yeah we back and you can write your reviews for free as usual and as intended. Just to reiterate the idea behind this blog is for the ordinary gamer to have a platform were they can express their thoughts on any game they choose to play at any point in time they wish to review. There are no rules the only rule is be human that is the obvious being be: respectful, no abusiveness, political stuff and all other BS that we know can arise outside of gaming. We don't care who you are we just have one thing in common with you if you love video games that's it. So no payments here, no 8dollars no subscriptive fees nothing just do whatever you want whenever within the confines of gaming.

I will also tell you why I say the ordinary gamer. Most times and for a long time we have relied on renowned companies to review games for us and have their opinion cemented as the objective standard peddled by popularity which to me creates big chances for a bias arbiter. Trust me video game journalism is biased, I have people I know (wont say who of course) who even left the industry to pursue their own game reviews because companies love to propel agendas and all sorts of crap and if you don't fit the mould you are out. So the real gamer for me is not that celebrity receiving free review codes or that big corpo that thinks what they say about a game goes, the real gamer is that guy/lady who is not known who pays his/her hard earned money buying their video game pleasures. The math is simple if everyone did not buy gpus and consoles companies would be out of business. If we all did not buy games Sony, MS etc would be out of business. So you the ordinary person make those companies its that simple.

Lastly If you have been following us for a while you will notice I removed the .com because in there there was a tone of embedded monitorization features I felt I did not need. So I was paying for stuff I do not need nor intend to implement. So yeah It may look weird to you without the .com part which essentially is a custom domain you have to make and pay for. So for a free site I did not find that necessary. So you can always write your content share the link with your friends, you can have them over too if they are interested. Guys if I were to go full blown professional that money I spent I would definitely have to get it from you all and it defeats the whole purpose. I mean imagine making people pay to write what they think about games not fair right? We already see some of the outrage on X (aka formerly twitter) So any site you can think of somebody has to pay for it to even exist. There's no even play field with google and server platform holders you pay to exist. Nothing for free. Every feature is paid for too. Its the technicalities people are not aware off in the world of websites but its the sad reality I mean give it a try with any business idea you may have, watch how much you have to pay for a website worse off if someone has to make it for you trust me coming from me a web developer here its rough on the consumer.

Lastly open door. If you want to leave you can leave anytime. If you want to leave and have your work deleted that's fine still we will do that for you. Hey before I forget by we I mean two people who run this whole thing me and Aasif. Yeah only two people and some awesome writers.

Ok I am tired already and I need to get to a lot of issues to cover here. This will be long because a lot has been happening since. The first item I want to randomly talk about is PC settings primarily in the Nvidia control panel. I cant speak for AMD because I do not have an AMD gpu

Guys leave majority of your settings at default. Don't change anything excerpt something interesting I want to share with you now which is DSR-Factors which is essentially Ngreedias (Nvidias) dynamic super resolution. Choose 2.25x then to activate it go here:

Make sure you change your screen res to DSR its the only way to have it activated in your games. If you don't nothing happens. Its nice because your image quality improves by a lot without spending a lot on a high end monitor. So on a 1080p monitor and any other you may have you will certainly see a bump in visual fidelity and minimal performance cost.

As for the rest of the settings please leave them as they are. Trust me I have tweaked and done stuff but look its still up to you but these are global settings and may cause some weirdness in some of you games. Global meaning its the playing field for every game you are to boot up. I had to bring this to your attention because I saw numerous videos on YouTube that explain well but fail to tell people how to activate the setting because sometimes professionals assume people will just know. In in closing when you turn on 2.25x DO NOT SELECT ANY OTHER LEGACY SETTING ETC.

Ok next topic

With the game awards coming December 7 I have my personal favourites, here they are and why:

Spider-Man 2 (called Marvels but I prefer to just say spiderman 2) is definitely my number one Goty. I haven't reviewed it, might not see the need to but I chose this game because its a consistent thriller. Spider-Man does not stop the blood rush. But that does not mean it doesn't have its flaws which for me are foe example the way Peter was portrayed in this game felt like he is the weak link. One would have expected Peter to take point since Miles is his prodigy and I am not trying to say there should have gone the mentorship route because the writers clearly said they did not want that approach however you know what I mean a student is never better than his master as they say. Miles was awesome and seemed the more focused Spider Man. With this said it makes me love Spiderman remastered Story more than Spider-Man 2. Kraven seemed a little stupid for me he seemed to have no real end goal. In terms of action this game is the best more than any other, 11/10 for me insomniac went above and beyond. Graphics were just cool especially the RT part and the building interiors.

Number 2 for me is:

To be honest I would even put it on the number one spot with Spider-Man. It was special and nostalgic. Gameplay was superb the atmosphere was incredible. Not much to say as its already been reviewed but its a special game for me a JK Rowling fan yeah go cry if you are political I don't care. I love her Harry Potter work and it shaped my childhood by a lot.

Essentially that's my GOTY list based on what I played and enjoyed. I did play other games like Alan Wake 2 but yeah these two. There were other great games too so its debateable.

I've so much to say but I feel I need to stop so let me end with COD MW3:

Trust me I do not follow IGN but I do checkout sometimes what they say and I think here they nailed it. As a real Call of Duty fanboy i felt robbed since 2022. Why because MW2 looks fantastic and does not play like crap as they say and here is why i say so:

First of all the campaign in my opinion was the best COD campaign reboot I have ever played. The story was super and dark waaay better than 2019 which felt just watered down in a way for me. So MW2 story the best. Now gameplay, below is a video of MW 2019 multiplayer you don't have to watch all of it I am using it as an illustration:

I hated the slide and I know probably 95% of COD players will call me out on this. Before I say why let me put it straight. I don't like to always go with public opinion. I like to see things my way and be real with myself. Most people go with mob psychology peer pressure etc which results in people not being themselves but rather confirming to what the majority thinks which is not always right. Let me use a wild example to cement this. If you run a business your employees think (majority opinion) you are making lots of money and at times its true however using that thought as a baseline is incorrect because from the owners perspective you have more worries than the employee with things like rent, water bill, the lights the hardware or equipment, their salaries and all the expenses that the business needs to run first before you even pay yourself. The employee mostly worries about his or her salary period. So with that said it knocks the mob idea that business men and women are always making money.

Point made so the slide allowed many youtubers and cheaters to be very comfortable in scoring multiple kills with unrealistic movement. MW2 was trying to cut that out and remove the ridiculous butt sliding with a more realistic approach to gunfights. I do agree realism can be a turn off but i feel t to some degree it sort of ironed out the cheaters comfortable gameplay. Every time in a one on one in MW 2019 cod people would just slide as they shoot you. Come on isn't that butt sore always sliding every time. So I found it annoying but the public wants that. The only downside for me with MW2 was the ridiculous recoil. 2019 felt smooth MW2 felt kind of weird plus also the weapon editing and stuff was not cool.

Which bring us to MW3. I wasn't compelled to buy it at all and haven't played it. It should have been a DLC but hey Bobby Kotick is leaving so mega bucks. The Irony is that Microsoft had just bought Call of Duty and have a day one release policy for new games onto game pass but instead them knowing COD generates a lot of revenue decided to just turn a blind eye. That's corpos for you. MW3 simply returns to 2019 which for me doesn't deserve $70 at all. I say 70USD just for people to universally understand but in South Africa its about 1500 Rands. I will play it one day but for now I will wait for it via Warzone.

With that said that's it from me for now cheers!

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